
die Nachbarschaft

the neighborhood

At last, a little tour of our neighborhood.

A view of our block (our building on the far right, the bakery on the far left):
There are a lot of mosaics on buildings in Vienna. One of these days, I'll set out with my camera and photograph as many as I can find and post a collection for you.

Our home (our apt. is the two windows on the right, third from the bottom):
Here is the bakery that used to give Curt free pastries. We need to get him back on the appropriate schedule.

Here's the pedestrian passage we take to get to the bigger grocery store (especially while Billa was closed for expansion/renovation) and to the bank that has an outdoor ATM.

The grocery store:

A nice Heuriger. I enjoyed Emmentaler Brot here. Curt did not enjoy his bologna salad as much.

Back home, the view from our living room. I don't know how I managed to catch it with nice light, but nearly empty. The playground is usually packed with children and their parents.

And, because we've received some requests for pictures of us, here's Curt at the Gloriette, with Schloss Schonbrunn in the background. (Please forgive my lack of umlauts, etc. I haven't found the symbols through blogger, yet.)


Lumpyheadsmom said...

Who needs accent marks when you've got that guy? He's even better than an umlautted bologna salad.

(oh, and thank you for giving me the chance to write "umlautted bologna salad." Those are three words I never thought I would write in succession.)

Yay for pictures! More! More!

Em said...

Wow -- great pictures. Time is going by so fast. I can't believe you have already been there for a month already.

Spar's logo is remarkably close to Car-Freshner's -- good thing I hung up my copyright infringement touque or I would have some work to do.

Anonymous said...

Hi (almost) around the corner,

thanks for posting the pics ! It's really amazing, I know every single spot so well. No wonder, I grew up in Ober St. Veit (right under Himmelhof, where I still very often walk Gino), my bank is the one you probably go to, and sometimes I hop in at "your" Gourmet Spar to do some shopping. Inspite of "downtown" Hietzing being my "center of life" (even though I do not live right there, but at Speising/Rosenhügel) Ober St. Veit is part of my life as well. As soon as the mornings get warmer you should take breakfast here and then in the little "Schanigarten" at Schwarz bakery !

Speaking about breakfast, would Thursday 8.30 am at Dommayer's suit you ? It's right on the "Hietzing" end (or rather beginning) of your street...

Have a relaxing Sunday,