
Hot Dogs

I learned from The Flying Apple that in Vienna (Wien), hot dogs are called "Frankfurters." In Frankfurt, they are called "Wieners." What sort of a cultural war are we getting ourselves into?

Visa Update: I got home tonight to see the message light blinking on the phone. There was a message from the Austrian Consulate in Chicago. This means: the package arrived! The nice gentleman who called said he had one request and asked that we return his call on Monday. I hope it's an easy one. At this point, though, even a day trip to Chicago won't seem too difficult.


Em said...

Good luck with the phone call.

You could always rename the blog CentralUSAfurter or something if the name you chose is too controversial.

Anonymous said...

Are the sausages appreciably different in these two cities?

Peachy said...

Now this is not a war .. because WE in Vienna just are right, and those Germans, they are always stealing our things and then naming them differently. Seriously ;)

No, from what I know the sausage is the same (and it's just the sausage that is named differently). And it's just people from Austria who call them Frankfurter, the rest of the world calls them Wiener. But we also have a sausage that is called "Pariser" (as in from Paris, France), and in Germany that word stands colloquially for condoms. So now you know why Austrians have problems when they go visit Germany, which they generally don't do very often.

Greetings from again warmer Vienna, Barbara