
2 weeks to departure


In the last week:
- I made a good dent in vacating my desk (but it doesn't look like I did a thing) and my co-workers put together a really nice happy hour. One more week of work. What a surreal concept.

- Our visas came!

- I cut the bookboard covers for 15 journals. I'm working on tearing down the paper for the pages inside. 15 big sheets don't look like nearly as daunting as 30, 60, 120 and then 240 pieces of paper stacked up. All of a sudden that looks like a lot to do, despite my resolution to draw EVERY DAY. Maybe it really looks like a lot of time. I regret not photographing each step, but my studio doesn't make much of a photo shoot location, especially when most of my work happens without daylight. I promise a shot of the lot before they're packed into suitcases and boxes (some will have to be mailed separately so there's weight left for clothes and shoes and yarn).

- k1p1p1 (my long-running knitting group) met tonight for a farewell to Heathers party. H.D. is moving to Berkeley, CA to pursue a dream job. If you're reading this, you know where this H. is headed. Great friends, great food, a little knitting, a lot of chatting and some passing of the baby. What better way to say 'so long'?

1 comment:

Em said...

Glad to know the Visas came!